Friday, May 15, 2015

Comment in Response to "Body Cameras"

The blog post titled, "Body Cameras" has some interesting points but overall I agree with what they say. Cameras for police officers has no drawbacks that people already encounter. If people are afraid of being recorded then they should never step outside their home or they should move to the country. Cities even smaller cities have recording devices placed at every business, ATM, traffic cameras, home security systems, etc. All day some camera is recording the public, not to mention all electronic devices with built in cameras. Regarding police video taping sensitive situations, the cameras have an off button and the footage can be erased. The positive aspects are tremendous and should not be ignored. Police and citizens will act better knowing they are being filmed, as the blogger mentioned. However I disagree Congress will know how to implement this program. I think academics and privacy experts should spearhead writing the law and seeking Congress' approval.

!Effects and Affects of the American Government!: Body Cameras

!Effects and Affects of the American Government!: Body Cameras: There has recently been some suspicious killings of unarmed black men that has brought up the question of whether or not our police for...

!Effects and Affects of the American Government!: Body Cameras

!Effects and Affects of the American Government!: Body Cameras

Friday, May 1, 2015

A Time for Action

The US government continues to ignore the plight and denigration of the socioeconomically disadvantaged and minorities. This precedent started very early in this country’s history and continues to propagate in society. Constant maltreatment, deprival of opportunities, and the breakup of communities has strained many places to the precipice. The animus of those in government has been lackadaisical and one of insouciance. What is expected when people are marginalized and oppressed and an event occurs that conflagrates the situation? This would be what has taken place in Baltimore and many other cities throughout the country.
The Washington Post contains an article about the downward spiral of Baltimore’s urban neighborhoods. It provides insightful facts, highlighting specific details, as well as providing broader information concerning other areas. What it points out perfectly is the network of agents involved in breaking apart the city. The government constantly put infrastructure, and commercial interests ahead of its citizens. Now the people feel less as citizens and more as denizens. To make matters worse the mayor, police commissioner, the governor, and politicians across the nation are calling for the people to control themselves. They demand that the people conform and follow the law, respecting the property and rights of others. How can these people be told to follow the law when the situation they are in derives from injustice? In addition the government officials frame the situation as a problem caused by the people and solvable only by the people, this is preposterous.

The US government’s inaction in addressing Baltimore’s problems and others around the country is aggravating and pressuring the communities involved. These communities are not able obviate or forfend themselves especially in the current political climate and the current economic climate. The sufferance of the government towards the problems longstanding in the country are building to a breaking point. If they are not addressed more riots will occur with great frequency. People will acquiesce for only so long before they protest and possibly become inimical. The government needs to educate the people, employ them, strengthen their communities, and provide parity under the law.