Friday, May 15, 2015

Comment in Response to "Body Cameras"

The blog post titled, "Body Cameras" has some interesting points but overall I agree with what they say. Cameras for police officers has no drawbacks that people already encounter. If people are afraid of being recorded then they should never step outside their home or they should move to the country. Cities even smaller cities have recording devices placed at every business, ATM, traffic cameras, home security systems, etc. All day some camera is recording the public, not to mention all electronic devices with built in cameras. Regarding police video taping sensitive situations, the cameras have an off button and the footage can be erased. The positive aspects are tremendous and should not be ignored. Police and citizens will act better knowing they are being filmed, as the blogger mentioned. However I disagree Congress will know how to implement this program. I think academics and privacy experts should spearhead writing the law and seeking Congress' approval.

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